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Family - The person I inherited my sense of humor and auntie-ness - My dad

Pa cooked home-made Chili Crab yesterday.

It was really delicious! I wonder why I didn't inherit this part of him.

Our conversation:

Me: Pa ah! Can teach me cook Chili Crab not?

Pa: You think so easy learn ah? I refuse to reach you lei. Later you don't miss my cooking how? My way to lure you back for dinner after you get married. 

Me: *roll eyes* at my Pa. He is very good at this! 

My best friends all know that my dad can be very funny and naggy at times. Sometimes he does things that make me *roll eyes* and laugh at his jokes.

A photo of my very handsome dad in his younger days.

Things that my dad likes to do:
1. Talk to me every morning before I go to work (Esp, when I am doing make-up). - "Girl ahhhh.... I tell you ah..."
2. Ask me to like his pictures on facebook. -"Girl ah.. you got my facebook picture anot?"
3. Ask me to be his critic on his cooking. -  "Girl ah... nice not ah?"
4. Talk to me about the Tv shows that he watched.
5. Send me text messages when I am in my room.. "Girl ah, have you sleep ah?"

I probably got my sense of humor and auntie-ness from him. Yea, he is my dad and I do love him for the way he is and his way of showing concern for me. 

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