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My Facial Routine

"Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul."
However, regular facial routine is still important to keep these pretty and confident girls.. happy :)  

Well...I am more of a "product" person. So, those who goes shopping with me would know that I frequent Watson, Guardian and Sa Sa alot.

Above are my usual facial-care routine everyday. If I am lazy, it would be every other day. Super 爱美 《3 女人吗?难免的啦。。

Below are the products I will use in sequence:

1. Simple - Facial Toner
2. Skin Doctor - Eyetuck (To reduce the eye bags and dark circles)
3. Dr G - Moisture Ampoule
4. Dr G - Water Soothing Gel Cream
5. TheFaceShop - Bright Eyes Modeling Gel

I am trying my best to get at least 8 hours of sleep as well. Which sometimes it can be quite impossible to do so. haha! 

Good night Peeps!

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